Bike & Sol

Ride a bicycle you enjoy

It’s time to make sure you are riding and enjoying it! Are you looking for a bicycle or e-bike, or need yours fixed? We can help you get on your way down the trail.

300+ bicycles in stock 1000+ bicycles & e-bikes serviced Teaching riders of all ages how to enjoy their ride.

Do you struggle with:

Your children need a bicycle to ride
You need a bicycle to ride
Your bicycle is broken
Want to enjoy your bicycle better?



Wanting to get out on a new to you bicycle? We have over 300 bicycles waiting for someone to ride them.

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Repairs & service

We have professional technicians to repair and service your bicycle. No matter what the issue we can find a way to get you back riding.

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Earn a bike

Do you have a student that needs a bicycle? We have a way for them to earn one. Stop on in and let’s talk about our Earn A Bike.


How we help you enjoy your ride

Book your appointment

We figure out what you need.

You enjoy your ride!

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